Cambium Networks C180082B004A PTP 820S Radio 18GHz, TR1010, ChHigh, Lo,18126-18690MHz has dual-core functionality enabling the system to operate up to 2 Gbps via software upgrades, eliminating the need for future forklift upgrades, or major system overhaul by the network operator to deliver gigabit-plus capacity. Combining technologies, equipment, and services, PTP 820 enables network operators to meet accelerating demand for capacity cost-effectively under rapidly evolving conditions
Cambium Networks C180082B004A PTP 820S Radio 18GHz,TR1010,ChHigh,Lo,18126-18690MHz
PTP 820 Product Series Highlights: - Licenced frequency bands 6-42GHz
- Up to 2048 QAM, with 11-step hitless and errorless Adaptive Coding & Modulation (ACM) for high reliability
- Up to 80 MHz bandwidth supported
- Multi-gigabits radio capacity with high spectral efficiency
- TDM and/or packet-supporting legacy services and evolution to all-packet
- Integrated Ethernet Switch, MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 compliant, MPLS-TP-ready
- Header De-duplication for additional capacity boost
- Intelligent service-centric management utilizing Hierarchical QoS and advanced OA&M capabilities
- Carrier-grade service resiliency (G.8032, MSTP)
- ITU-T Y.1731 Performance Management – MEF 35
- Integrated synchronization solution: Native/SyncE/IEEE 1588v2
- Lowest power consumption with adaptive green mode
- Low Latency with unique frame cut-through for latency-sensitive services
- Industry-leading system Gain