With the increasing complexity of wireless communications, projects can encounter scenarios where it may be advantageous to have a custom antenna designed rather than to adopt an off-the-shelf product. This can be due to the difficulty in sourcing an exact match to meet the demands of the project, or an unnecessarily high cost for the existing design.
Powertec leverages its local and international RF engineering experts to develop fully customised antennas. Advanced manufacturing techniques, innovative testing, and exceptional cost control all contribute to deliver custom antennas that meet even the most demanding project requirements.
Custom Antenna Design
Custom designed antennas are required when peak performance is a necessity. With wireless technology advancing rapidly, ensuring optimal radiation efficiency and AAS-critical parameters such as envelope correlation have never been more important.
With business objectives and marketing claims all too often pushing the limits of engineering, designers are under pressure to maximise performance. Powertec can help meet performance objectives while retaining tight control over costs.

Our team design antennas covering frequencies from 225 MHz to 80 GHz including:
- 4G / 5G customer CPE / UE antenna
- 2×2 MIMO dual polarised antennas
- 4×4 MIMO quad polarised antennas
- C-band 3.5 GHz AAS-ready
- Massive MIMO smart antenna systems
- IoT / M2M antenna design & hardware optimisation
- Sub-600 MHz UHF broadcast antenna
- UNII band/Sub-6 GHz PTP / PMP antenna
- 6 to 80 GHz microwave band antenna
The physical production of our internal designs is conducted by leading manufacturers and offered to our clients as OEM products. Additionally our strong relationship with the world’s largest RF manufacturers allows us to ODM manufacture any supplied design.Antenna manufacturing is conducted in compliance with our Quality Management System and employs advanced manufacturing equipment to ensure that the high standards are continuously being met.
Some of the equipment deployed in the production lines to maintain the high standards of quality include:
- Electronic Computer-Aided Design (Keysight EEsof EDA)
- Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)
- Automated X-Ray Inspection (AXI)
- In-Circuit Test (ICT)
All products manufactured adhere to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) that limits the amount of hazardous materials used during the manufacturing of electronic equipment. This protects people, the environment and ensures compliance with European importation restrictions.

RF Component Design
Wireless communication is a complex and continuously evolving industry that requires highly specialised equipment made to exacting specifications, a fact that becomes ever more fortified as operators adopt new technology standards requiring precision network hardware.
Designing equipment to meet specific parameters is typically the realm of premium operators and generally is not required for standard applications. When it is required, such as integrating equipment into a high-capacity network or building new, first-class networks, the rigorous high standards prescribed eliminate a vast majority of the equipment on the market.
Recognising this challenge we offer engineering solutions to overcome both common and extraordinary challenges faced by our clients. In these circumstances, our team designs RF components to meet your exacting specification.
- Custom cable assemblies
- Unique connectors, ancillaries
- Armoured coaxial & data cable
- Waveguide, OMT, and other microwave components
- Passive components, such as attenuators, loads, couplers, filters
- Military components (NATO or other military standardisation)
- CASA aviation approved and aerospace components

Contact our team today to discuss your requirements.
With nearly 30 years in building telecommunications systems, we draw on a wealth of practical experience in developing your design.