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If you are wondering why the CEL-FI GO comes in two flavours, a ‘Stationary’ & ‘Mobile’ version, then this is the article you need to read.

GO ‘Mobile’
GO ‘Stationary’




The ‘Mobile’ version of GO is designed for moving applications. It has the ability to switch towers at a faster speed and supports travelling at speeds greater than 60km/h.



The ‘Stationary’ version of GO is designed for fixed applications. It is not recommended for speeds greater than 60km/h.

As it is designed for fixed applications away from a mobile phone towers the system gain is not limited.



System Gain: 70dB (Now 100dB with an upgrade)



System Gain: 100dB



Supported Speed: 0-120km/h



Supported Speed: 0-60km/h



Tower Switching Speed: Fast



Tower Switching Speed: Slow



Boosting Threshold: no limitations



Boosting Threshold: no limitations


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